bitBOMB Launch: Final Details & Everything You Need To Know

BOMB Money Ecosystem
4 min readJul 14, 2022


bitBOMB Launch: Final Details & Everything You Need To Know

This article will answer everything related to bitBOMB! It will be updated if any questions emerge pertaining to the launch. If something you are looking for has not been answered or addressed, or if you notice any information missing from this article, please contact our team on Discord or Telegram. We can answer you directly there and will also update this article to keep everyone informed.

Now on to the good stuff!

The bitBOMB website is now live at There are minor cosmetic issues that need correcting — we are aware it shows CZpegs certain places. It will be updated by tomorrow at the latest!

The CZpegs swap site ( has been set up to work with bitBOMB assets. It will correctly find routes to and from the different bitBOMB peg tokens. We will add the tokens and icons to the site tomorrow. For now, please manually add them using the contract addresses listed later in this article.

Important Dates & Times

Swap / Migration Starting: Wednesday, July 13, 12PM EST / 4PM UTC

Swap / Migration Ending*: Thursday, July 14, 12PM EST / 4PM UTC

*Please note that BSHARE → bitSHARE swaps will continue until all 400 bitSHARE have been redeemed via swaps. Only bitBOMB protocol peg tokens will end Thursday at 12PM ETC/4PM UTC.

bitSHARE LP Farms Start: Thursday, July 14, 1PM8 EST / 5PM UTC

bitBTC First Boardroom Print: Thursday, July 14, 1PM EST / 5PM UTC

bitDOT First Print: Thursday, July 14, 3PM EST / 7PM UTC

bitATOM First Print: Thursday, July 14, 5PM EST / 9PM UTC

bitADA First Print: Thursday, July 14, 7PM EST / 9PM UTC

Auto-compounding Vaults for bitBOMB Tokens: Ready by Saturday, July 16

Relevant Information and Links

Swap / Token Migration Site:

bitBOMB Protocol Home:

Documentation: Coming soon!

Buy Tokens / Add liquidity*:

*We will be converting the CZpegs swap site to a PegHub swap site soon. This PegHub central swap site will be used for all our protocols once released.

Token Addresses

bitBTC: 0x39739A969ff667C91a81252b3DDDFAe31aaE4Aeb

bitDOT: 0x123c62f04c9D70bD6F04E6282434c728F04eBD50

bitATOM: 0x3CdC14690B4930f8b61A2195062f5AB8A6beC48d

bitADA: 0x9F45C43c5Ed3c1a7FD7fb9f3b611860AE4dF2453

bitSHARE: 0x116B19FBAFCc947E7Ffcc3A42ff7185589143a56


Taxes NEVER apply to bitSHARE nor when buying any of the peg tokens. Taxes only apply to the four peg tokens when SELLING and when the token being sold is UNDER PEG.

Once again, buying any of the peg tokens will never incur any taxes regardless of their peg.

To add liquidity for any of our four peg tokens, no taxes will be deducted if you use our swap site. We are currently sharing swap sites with CZpegs, so please use for now.

Bootstrap Phase

We will have guaranteed 2% expansions for the first 7 days (21 epochs / 21 boardroom prints). Any bitSHARE staked for those first 21 epochs will receive rewards from 2% expansions.

After the bootstrap phase completes, our boardrooms will go back to normal, paying up to 2% expansions depending on TWAP. At the end of each epoch, a peg TWAP over 1.02 will give full 2% prints, between 1.001 and 1.02 will give partial prints, and under 1.001 will not print.


I wish there was an easier solution to migrate node holders over to bitBOMB. However, due to the way nodes work, they must continue to print their native token which in this case is the BOMB or BOMB-BTCB-LP token. In order to accommodate current Node holders, you can continue claiming your Node rewards and use the 2nd phase token migration which will be available within a couple of days.

In other words, you will still be able to swap BOMB for bitBTC in the future. Keep claiming your rewards and check back for when 2nd phase migrations are available!

BTC Mainnet Staking

BTC Mainnet staking will continue exactly as it has in the past. We pride ourselves on providing the safest way to stake bitcoin with high APR’s with a focus on protecting investor capital. Therefore, we have plans to migrate from BOMB-BTCB LP to bitBTC-BTCB LP once bitBTC has stabilized to offer the safest migration possible.

What about CZBOMB LPs?

In the future we will migrate the CZBOMB LPs to be pegged to bitBTC instead of BOMB. There is no timeline set for this yet, and we will give at minimum one week notice before any changes are made.

For now, feel free to continue farming the CZBOMB-BOMB pair at!

What happens to the original BOMB Protocol?

It will continue to run as it has been since last November! BSHARE rewards will continue to be paid on the farms until emissions end in late November.

For more details, please refer to previous articles and recent AMAs on YouTube. This topic has been covered thoroughly in the past, so I won’t go into too much detail here.





BOMB Money Ecosystem

BOMB is a crypto staking ecosystem, with numerous algorithmic seigniorage based protocols and more!