BOMB Shell: Too much Alpha!!

BOMB Money Ecosystem
7 min readMar 21, 2022



Too much to talk about for one BOMB Shell but let’s give it a shot! I was away all weekend with family celebrating my birthday early — it’s coming up on Wednesday. Be sure to tune in to the birthday live stream March 23rd 12:00pm EST!

BOMB Money Now Has Two Top Dogs!

BOMB has grown, and I needed help at the very top. There was no better person than Handford/Dan H to accompany myself, our whole team, and community on our road to success. As of late last week, I have decided to bring Handford up to the big leagues and appoint him my partner in the protocol. We both have similar work ethics, thought processes, and in general make a great team. Just like me, he has a get shit done NOW attitude! I am super pumped to have him right beside me on the road to BOMB becoming a household name and a 10 digit TVL (maybe 11?).

New UI Update

I was given the opportunity to have the entire dev team dedicate the whole weekend to getting the new UI as close to complete as possible, opting to spend big bucks to get it done quick. It is still not quite polished to the point of being production ready, but progress has gone from approximately 15% complete to 80–90% complete.

We are right around the corner from having a custom-built UI, designed from the ground up with all our key principles in mind. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Extreme ease of use, and easy to understand
  • All required functionality for the average user accessible without leaving the site
  • Single asset supplying
  • Swapping assets
  • Depositing into auto-compound vault with zap functionality
  • Fiat on-ramp
  • Multiple wallet connect options, including “hybrid” type wallets to allow a fully web based wallet with typical login type credentials, but functions identical to other web3 wallets. I am unsure if both will be available at launch, but at least one will, with the other to follow shortly. and

I do have a picture to share, although this image was captured only a few hours into the weekend of work by the full team:

Sample of basic layout for new UI
Barebones design of new UI

You can see the straightforward design we are going for, with ease of use and simple navigation as a top priority.

Before work began on the new UI, many improvements were made to BTC single stake, such as enabling automatic withdraws, among a plethora of other changes. All changes were either minor fixes, or changes to help give visitors/users the data they need, and confidence in our team/protocol to be willing to stake their BTC. In addition, our support knowledgebase has had a complete overhaul in the last week, check it out!

Partnerships, partnerships, partnerships.

So many I am starting to lose track. Where do I start?

Synapse Bridge — In a direct chat with the devs now, and this time it really should be ready any day. We are going to expand to more chains than originally stated, and it is likely that we will add Chronos plus 2–3 more. I will know more once I speak with the Synapse devs tonight/tomorrow.

Midas Capital — Riley was the main contact in this partnership however he is away this week, so I am light on details and specifics; however, we can be surprised together when it launches! From what I have gathered from group conversations, they will be launching this week, and we will be live immediately upon their launch.

Who are MidasCapital? They are a fork of Rari Capital, more specifically their Fuse protocol, which is focused on providing users, such as BOMB, with the ability to create and manage fully customisable lending/borrowing pools with fully adjustable parameters such as collateral factors, reserve factors, liquidation incentives, interest rate models, and so much more!

Currently both of our teams are dotting all the i’s and crossing the t’s to ensure that their initial launch is a smooth one! Stay tuned to both protocols’ socials for sooner-than-you-think updates!

To learn more, MidasCapital website: and documentation:

Abracadabra Money — Ever since xBOMB was released, I have said it would make an excellent token to use as collateral for borrowing and lending protocols. There was always one that I knew would be ideal, which of course is Abracadabra Money. I will post a follow up with details, such as the process to bring xBOMB to the Abracadabra protocol, and exactly what it means for BOMB in the short and long term.

For now, we have started the process, which is to show Abracadabra we are able to deploy the required contracts, with price oracles, and integrate into their main “vault”. This vault is more commonly known as the BentoBox contract, which SushiSwap created, it holds all the different tokens, and handles the different strategies and/or ”apps” that can be run on top of a secure token storage and management platform. Until we get through the entire process, we will not be listed on the Abracadabra website, nor will they fund our borrowing pool with MIM.

To demo how the contracts work, and let our community test it, I funded the MIM myself, just $700 worth for now. If you have some xBOMB, feel free to head over to and give it a shot! Please do not borrow all of the MIM as others will not be able to try it out! Borrow only a few MIM, or if you do borrow more, please return it by repaying the MIM back into the pool.

We are almost through the first step of the process to get approved. To help us along, please sign up for the Abracadabra forum, like/heart post, and leave a comment! Here is the exact article:

If I can manage, I will write a complete Abracadabra article explaining why it’s a perfect fit for us, as well as what we can do to improve our chances of getting approved.

I should note that, while learning exactly how to deploy xBOMB to the existing Abracadabra ecosystem, I did launch a full fork of their code to get familiar. If, for some reason, we cannot get approved, we always have the option of launching our own stable coin as everything is already in place to do this now. I’d much rather go with Abracadabra for many reasons, however this is not a bad backup plan!

Corporate Website

A big factor to onboarding new users, especially on BTC Mainnet staking (centralized service for now), is trust. We need a corporate website to give users that trust, and provide an easy way to show our suite of offerings within the BOMB ecosystem. Work on it has just begun however it will be launched soon with, at minimum:

Team Page — Pictures, names, social accounts, and more for all full time staff

About us — Our vision and roadmap plus general information about why BOMB was created and how we want to impact the world for the better through BOMB Money.

Contact Page — Want to give us a call? Visit this page.

Investor Relations — Information for investors that will facilitate future capital raises, and give investors the information they need to be interested, and feel comfortable investing in BOMB

Hiring page! — BOMB will be forever hiring. The right team members will deliver so much value to the protocol, we will keep bringing them in as long as they have the right mindset, a similar vision, and great work ethic. Our general requirements will be listed, as well as specific skill sets needed immediately upon launch.

Blog — We will post to both Medium and our own Blog depending on the type of content. This will help us drive more traffic to the site, which should then convert into more users/investors, once things are fine tuned.

The site will be usable soon and fully completed within 1–2 weeks.

PEG Guide

I mentioned two BOMB Shells ago I would write a final article in the series “Operation regain PEG”, with clear and simple strategies to help your bags, as well as keeping the protocol healthy. PEG keeps bouncing very close to that 1.0 mark we are all looking for but has yet to stay over for a boardroom print. As we get closer to peg, I’d say stable above 0.95, I will be sure to get this article out so we can all do our part in keeping the protocol healthy. Remember, we only need to be above peg for a short period of time to get new key partnerships!

As mentioned earlier, I will try to get a thorough Abracadabra Money article written today, or latest tomorrow, discussing strategies and benefits of the partnership. The advantages to both protocols of partnering up are tremendous yet safe at the same time.


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BOMB Money Ecosystem
BOMB Money Ecosystem

Written by BOMB Money Ecosystem

BOMB is a crypto staking ecosystem, with numerous algorithmic seigniorage based protocols and more!

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