Jan 17 BOMB Shell Monday
Happy Monday BOMBSQUAD!!
AMA is UP!
I had an amazing AMA with Crypto Mischief! In case anyone hasn’t seen it yet (I highly recommend you do!), check it out:
Stay tuned for the next AMA, coming soon!
Yours truly will be LIVE every Wednesday at 12:00 PM EST (5:00PM UTC) to answer your questions, discuss BOMB, our roadmap, and be based AF! First one will kick-off ASAP this Wednesday on YOUTUBE! Be sure to check Twitter/Telegram/Discord for updates and the livestream link!
We’re growing fast! We’re looking for skilled individuals to fill several key roles to help us hit 5B TVL faster! LFG! Currently, we’re hiring for:
- Chat Admins (Discord/TG)
- Customer Service Support Reps — Looking for individuals with a good understanding of the protocol and basic web-wallet transactions
- Developers — We are looking for skilled developers of all types for different items on our roadmap (public & internal)
Once our new website is live, open positions as well as full job descriptions will be listed there. In the meantime, send your resumes to jobs@bomb.money!
After a lengthy discussion with our BTC single stake dev team today, I have been told we are at most two weeks from being production ready. I am sorry this has taken so long; as stated prior, we want to ensure we get this 100% right!
See you all on our first live stream, Wednesday!