Jan 24: BOMB Shell Monday — xBOMB!
I hope everyone is staying safe in these turbulent markets. I have made mention in my AMA with Crypto Mischief about BOMB during bear markets. As predicted, BOMB is holding up incredibly well — All BOMB participants are in great shape for when the market turns around!
Someone in chat recently said, “DEV FIX PRICE”. SO I DID!
You asked for single staking BOMB, and we delivered! If you’re familiar, our single stake BOMB works very similar to how SUSHI and xSUSHI work on the SushiSwap protocol. For simplicity’s sake we decided to call the new token xBOMB. As I am now writing this, we have over 270,000 BOMB staked (almost $1 million USD) — that’s approx. 13% of the overall supply!
In the two short days since xBOMB was revealed, peg has climbed from 0.80 to over 0.94! We are well on the way to regaining peg, great job everyone!
Rather than go into details here, please give the documentation a full read here, and if anything is still unclear, then let the community know and we’ll help clarify.
To celebrate the launch of xBOMB, we’re going to be giving away 50,000 BOMB (5 BTC!) tokens from the protocol wallet. These rewards will be deposited at random times over the next two weeks starting today!
All xBOMB holders (BOMB Stakers) will share the rewards. You must have BOMB staked at the time of each reward transfer to benefit. The ratio of BOMB to xBOMB will automatically change as rewards are deposited, making xBOMB more valuable. All 50,000 will be deposited by the end of February 7th.
Make sure to stake your BOMB now to take advantage!
We have a new COO!
Please join me in welcoming Riley W. as our newest hire and COO! Riley comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the crypto space, and a strong “get shit done” acumen. Riley is taking a project management approach to ensure we’re constantly moving the needle forward with both innovation and improvement. Be on the lookout as we ramp up improvements across the board!
If you haven’t already seen him or spoken to him in chat, make sure you congratulate him.
Live Stream Reminder
REMINDER that I’ll be doing another livestream again on Wednesday @ 12PM EST / 5PM UTC! Tune in and get your xBOMB and other questions ready! This time I will be on YouTube, be sure to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/BombMoney
Your xBASED Dev,